I was super honoured to be interviewed by @motherhoodrealdeal and discuss some of the most pressing questions regarding the rising epidemic of infertility, why it’s on the increase, why it still remains a tabboo subject, what are some of the lesser known facts around conception and what you can do to help yourself if you’re struggling or anyone else who may be.

Here is an excerpt from the interview: “To begin to solve the collective fertility problem, we first of all need to recognise that this is a major issue that is only set to get bigger. I talk a lot about the lifestyle approach to fertility, which needs to start much earlier than most people think. In fact, the sooner you start focusing on things such as your diet, fitness, stress, relationships and reducing your exposure to toxins, the better, even before you’ve thought about having a baby.

I feel that we as a society and medical profession have become obsessed by the idea of curative medicine: the idea that we can give a pill or treatment to someone and it will fix them. But so often this is not the case and I am advocating for a completely different approach to this which focusses on preventative medicine that is all about lifestyle and empowering people to have the right education and tools to help themselves.

The significance of what may seem like small changes in your lifestyle approach can actually be massive when done in the long term. And could ultimately save people from the stress and financial burden of fertility treatment.

Read the full article…

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