so this article is, shall we say, a little off-piste for #TeamCoco yet we feel it’s most definitely worth publishing. It doesn’t contain enviable travel snaps or lust-worthy beauty products or even inspirational entrepreneurs. It does however contain a little glimpse into my recent discovery and some crucial info and advice from leading UK doctors.

With that said, this is definitely worth a read for those who suffer from endometriosis, those who think they may be and even those who know someone with the condition.

So, let’s go. After 11 years of suffering badly at the time of the month (being sick, passing out, countless days off school, university and work) and with a history of endometriosis in the family, my mum was convinced I had it; me, not so much. Despite having all the symptoms listed, my experiences were so different to those in my family, I was pretty much adamant, I did not have endometriosis, I thought I just suffered badly at that time of the month.In December last year  my mum finally convinced me to see our local GP and ask for a referral to a specialist. Within no time I was in the Gynaecology department being informed that the most effective option is a laparoscopy (key-hole surgery) to see if I did have endometriosis and if I did, they would remove it.

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