I had to post about the recent news reported by @dailymail regarding further plans to prevent funding of fertility treatment for single women.

This is another example of the injustice and unfairness those wishing to have that which is most natural in the world, a child of their own, have to face as a result of unfounded social prejudice, and is what is driving the demand in unregulated sperm donation, where women are putting themselves under the threat of assault, and their health as well as that of their unborn child, at considerable risk. Single women finding themselves in a situation where they wish to start families on their own are a product of a progressive and democratic society, where they have been able to invest in themselves, in their own self development and financial freedom, and refused to settle for a relationship with someone who does not deserve them, for the sake of beating their biological clock.

Having invested in the health service all their working lives and now finding themselves needing the help of the NHS to allow them their only chance of getting pregnant, they are denied access to treatment instead of being recognized for the considerable contribution their actions have made to the socioeconomic progress of our nation and therefore allowed the same rights as someone struggling to conceive with a partner. Same sex couples face similar prejudices and barriers to treatment, as does anyone who is transgender, and this sort of discrimination has to stop. We do not see it in any other area of medicine aside from fertility. It is regressive, fails to recognize the degree to which our society is changing and is out of touch with current demands.

To postulate that single women or same sex couples would not be capable of raising well rounded children is not true, as several studies which have followed these children and their development are showing. It’s time we tried to help those in need, not punish them over their biological needs and life choices. Whatsmore, a recent study in Human Reproduction has shown that the risk of depression in those suffering from the stress of infertility is almost double. How much more evidence do we need?!

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