Having been a little poorly over the last few days, I decided the best thing to do was to go and spend time outdoors in nature. I’m a huge fan and believer of the medicinal effect of nature and there’s an actual term called #ecotherapy that describes the physiological and as well psychological benefits of being out in green space.

On posting this photo taken at beautiful Virginia Water and Saville Garden, part of me was desperate to remove the soil stains off my left elbow but then I realised the whole point of being outdoors is to reconnect and spend time touching, feeling, experiencing and that’s exactly what I was doing, so to pretend otherwise is to not authentically capture the true essence of what we call grounding. Now bear with me on this one!

The basic theory is that since many of us don’t come into direct skin contact with the Earth very much, a positive charge can build up in the body. Direct skin contact with the Earth acts as a “ground” just like it does for electrical outlets, reducing this extra positive charge. Proponents of earthing report that it helps reduce inflammation in the body and improve sleep quality. So whenever I’m out in nature, I actually love to walk barefoot, as much on the beach as I do on the grass. And also around the home, the benefits of which are also to minimise the spread of any toxins, as you’ve seen me say as part of #theconceptionplan.

Other studies have found sleep improvements, better immune system function, and lower rates of stress related disorders in those who spent regular time in nature, as well as reduced cardiovascular disease, diabetes, premature birth and blood pressure issues.
All of these factors may be reasons that gardeners live longer and that the practice of “forest bathing” (spending time in the forest) has become popular in Japan and is even prescribed and covered by medical plans!

So, go on, take off those shoes and start paying attention to how you connect with our living Earth, which will inevitably also motivate you to have a more conscientious approach towards yourself and your lifestyle.

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